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Honors Gen Ph W/Calculus
PH 125 Section 001
Spring 2014, Lecture
Dr. Patrick Leclair
Course Description
Student Learning Outcomes
Anticipated Learning Outcomes for this Course
Upon completion of this course, a successful student will have a basic understanding of classical mechanics, waves, and thermodynamics. The learning outcomes that a successful student will achieve include but are not limited to the following:
General Learning Outcomes:
- Recognize and identify key concepts in physics that will provide a broad perspective on phenomena observed in our surroundings. [knowledge, evaluation, analysis]
- Understand the scientific method and critically evaluate scientific information. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation]
- Recognize the role of physics in the other natural sciences, engineering, and technology and on the human condition. [knowledge, comprehension, evaluation]
- Develop skills in working together in team activities. [receiving, responding, organizing]
Course-specific Learning outcomes:
- Conceptual understanding:
- Answer conceptual questions which require a solid understanding of kinematics and Newton's laws of motion. [knowledge, comprehension, evaluation]
- Apply the concepts of kinematics to relevant problems. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Apply the concepts of Newton's laws of motion to relevant problems. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Apply the concepts of conservation of momentum and energy to relevant problems. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Application of basic laws of physics: Apply the laws of physics to formulate a solution to a problem using elementary differential and integral calculus. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Analysis of mechanical systems: Analyze objects subject to forces and predict their behavior. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Knowledge of thermodynamics: Solve problems which require knowledge of temperature and heat transfer. [analysis, knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application]
- Laboratory skills: Be able to make basic mechanical measurements, analyze and interpret data, and identify and evaluate potential sources of error. [knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation]
Required Texts
Other Course Materials
The course blog can be found at:
It will be constantly updated, for example to provide homework hints, laboratory procedures, schedule updates, various announcements, etc.
There are a lot of reasons for doing things this way. Here are a few.
• the easier it is for the instructor to post information, the more often it will happen.
• atom/rss feeds so you don’t have to constantly look for updates
• you can post comments and give feedback, and you will get a reply
Bookmark this blog, as it will be your main source of information for PH125 this semester. A few other points to note about the course web site:
• all course content (quiz/homework solutions, labs, etc.) will be posted as links to PDFs
• inappropriate comments will be deleted
• all past posts will be archived and searchable, e.g., for retreiving links to old notes
• since this blog is publicly viewable, no grades or personal information will be posted here or anywhere else. your privacy will be preserved
• since this blog is publicly viewable, think before you post personal information
• anonymous comments will be allowed, so you can ask questions without hesitation
Outline of Topics
Topics Covered:
Motion in One, Two, and Three Dimensions
Forces and Newton’s Three laws of motion
Work, Kinetic & Potential Energy
Conservation of Energy
Center of Mass and Conservation of Momentum
Rotation, Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum
Fluids, Pascal's Principle, Archimedes' Principle and Bernoulli's Equation
Oscillations and Waves
Laws of Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Nominal schedule:
This schedule is subject to change, including the dates of major examinations.
8-Jan syllabus, course overview
10-Jan motion in 1D
13-Jan motion in 2D
15-Jan motion in 2D
17-Jan projectiles, circular motion
20-Jan no class
22-Jan Newton's laws
24-Jan Newton's laws
27-Jan Newton's laws
29-Jan motion along curved paths
31-Jan EXAM 1
3-Feb Kinetic energy and work
5-Feb Kinetic energy
7-Feb Potential energy
10-Feb Potential energy
12-Feb Conservation of energy
14-Feb center of mass / momentum
17-Feb momentum
19-Feb TBD
21-Feb EXAM 2
24-Feb collisions
26-Feb rotation
28-Feb rotation
3-Mar rolling motion
5-Mar angular momentum
7-Mar angular momentum
10-Mar statics & equilibrium
12-Mar fluids
14-Mar fluids
17-Mar EXAM 3
19-Mar gravitation
21-Mar gravitation
31-Mar harmonic motion
2-Apr oscillations
4-Apr no class
7-Apr harmonic motion
9-Apr waves
11-Apr waves
14-Apr waves
16-Apr temperature & heat
18-Apr EXAM 4
21-Apr 1st law of thermodynamics
23-Apr kinetic theory of gasses
25-Apr entropy
2-May 8-10:30am FINAL EXAM
Exams and Assignments
There will be four "hour" exams, each covering several thematically consistent chapters, and one comprehensive final exam. The "hour" exams will be administered during regular class periods, and will in reality take approximately 90 minutes, while the final exam will be administered during the usual period at the end of the semester. For all exams, you are allowed only the following items:
• Writing implement(s)
• Calculator (no cell phones or PDAs)
• one or two prepared 8.5 × 11 inch formula sheet(s)
The hour exams may have slightly different formats, but each one is worth an equal amount. The exam dates will be listed on the course calendar (see above) during the first week of classes. See below for policies regarding missed exams. Ignorance of these exam dates when booking travel arrangements is not a valid reason for rescheduling.
Labs & Exercises
In-class exercises (simulations or calculations) and laboratory procedures will be a major part of each laboratory period. There will be either a laboratory write-up or exercise due after every single lab period. Both labs and exercises will be done in groups of 3-4 students. You are free to form your own groups, and even vary them from week to week if you choose, so long as you are productive and share the work load. Should your self-assembled groups be deemed dysfunctional, new groups will be assigned.
The two lowest labs/exercises will be dropped at the end of the semester. This policy is meant to allow you the flexibility to miss a limited number of class periods when the situation calls for it. Whenever possible, contact Dr. LeClair in advance about absences – certain circumstances merit unquestioned and fully excused absences.
During each class period, short quizzes may be given based on the previous lecture’s material and the assigned reading. Quizzes will generally consist of solving a single problem similar to those covered in the last class period, and will be designed to take you ~10 minutes or less. You will be allowed about 15 minutes just in case. The lowest two quiz grades will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Homework problems are generally assigned each week on Friday, and will be posted on the course blog as a linked PDF file (available in hard copy upon request). On average, 7-10 problems will be assigned, with varying due dates. For example: one problem may be due at the start of the following Monday's lecture, one more at the start of the following Wednesday's lecture, with the remaining problems due by the end of the day on the following Friday. Late problems will be assessed a per-day penalty of 25%.
The idea is that you will solve the complete homework set spread out over the course of an entire week, rather than at the last minute. Monday's problem will be similar to material covered in the previous Friday’s recitation, while Wednesday's problems will be similar to material covered in the previous Monday's class, etc. The problems will ramp up in difficulty as the week progresses. A problem solving template is provided on the course web page, you must use the template format for your homework solutions.
The template is graded by assigning a three-point value to each of the six major fields. The template is used for homework, in-class quizzes and examination problems. This has the value of consistency, and the students are given immediate feedback on the application of the problem solving methods throughout the course, not just on the examinations.
Problem sets may be turned in by hard copy or electronically. Hard copies may be left in Dr. LeClair’s mailbox (Gallalee 206) or offices (Gallalee 323, Bevill 2050), or turned in at the beginning of class. Any readable format, electronic or physical, is accepted for homework solutions. You must show your work for every problem to receive credit, and you must follow the problem template given at the end of this syllabus. Answers alone - even correct ones - will not receive credit without work shown. You may collaborate on problem sets, and are encouraged to, but each student must turn in their own work.
Emergency Contact Information
UA's primary communication tool for sending out information is through its web site at In the event of an emergency, students should consult this site for further directions. Additional course information will be posted using Blackboard Learn.
Severe Weather Guidelines
The guiding principle at The University of Alabama is to promote the personal safety of our students, faculty and staff during severe weather events. It is impossible to develop policies which anticipate every weather-related emergency. These guidelines are intended to provide additional assistance for responding to severe weather on campus.
UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm (tornado or severe thunderstorm) should take immediate life saving actions.
When West Alabama is under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate the actions that faculty, staff and students take.
The Office of University Relations will disseminate the latest information regarding conditions on campus in the following ways:
- Weather advisory posted on the UA homepage
- Weather advisory sent out through UA Alerts to faculty, staff and students
- Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA at 90.7 FM
- Weather advisory broadcast over Alabama Public Radio (WUAL) at 91.5 FM
- Weather advisory broadcast over WVUA-TV/WUOA-TV, and on the website at WVUA-TV Home Team Weather provides a free service you can subscribe to which allows you to receive weather warnings for Tuscaloosa via e-mail or cell phone. Check for more details and to sign up for weather alerts.
In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices, or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains.
Disability Statement
If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary.
If you have a disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call (205) 348-4285 (Voice) or (205) 348-3081 (TTY) or visit 133-B Martha Parham Hall East to register for services. Students who may need course adaptations because of a disability are welcome to make an appointment to see me during office hours. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 133-B Martha Parham Hall East, before receiving academic adjustments.
Policy on Academic Misconduct
All students in attendance at The University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University of Alabama expects from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline. At the beginning of each semester and on examinations and projects, the professor, department, or division may require that each student sign the following Academic Honor Pledge: “I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student at The University of Alabama. I have read the Academic Honor Code, which explains disciplinary procedure resulting from the aforementioned. I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from the University.”
See the Code of Student Conduct for more information.
UAct: Ethical Community Statement
The University of Alabama is committed to an ethical, inclusive community defined by respect and civility. The UAct website ( provides extensive information on how to report or obtain assistance with a variety of issues, including issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, sexual violence or other Title IX violations, illegal discrimination, harassment, child abuse or neglect, hazing, threat assessment, retaliation, and ethical violations or fraud.